
Help message

When an user types rbkcli -h or --help, it returns the following message:

  • -h/--help

      $ rbkcli <api_endpoint> <options>
      $ rbkcli cluster me --select id
      > [rbkcli] Easy calls to Rubrik APIs from CLI.
      ==> Positional arguments <==:
       <api_endpoint>        The API endpoint to be requested, required argument
      ==> Optional arguments <==:
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
        -m <method>, --method <method>
                              Method to request Rubrik API
        -v <version>, --version <version>
                              Explicit version of the Endpoint requested.
        -q <query>, --query <query>
                              In path query to customize API request.
        -p <parameter>, --parameter <parameter>
                              Parameter passed to the API request, json.
        -i, --info            Flag to return information on the Provided API
        -d, --documentation   Documentation related to the provided endpoint and
        -s <select>, --select <select>
                              Select the json fields from the output.
        -f <filter>, --filter <filter>
                              Filter the value of the provided fields from the json
        -c <context>, --context <context>
                              Cut the json output into the provided field of
        -l <key> <new_endpoint>, --loop <key> <new_endpoint>
                              Loop resulting json values into another API request.
        -T, --table           Convert json output into Table output, if possible.
        -L, --list            Convert json output into list output, if possible.
        -P, --pretty_print    Convert json output into list output, if possible.
      For all available commands run: $ rbkcli commands -q <cmd_name>

Arguments description

The arguments available affect the command execution in 2 different ways and therefore their explanation will be also split into the following groups:

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