Folder Structure

Once rbkcli is installed or (in the portable case) ran, it will create a set of folders and files in the user's home directory (~/rbkcli). 1. Following is an example of the folder structure:

    $ tree ~/rbkcli
    ├── conf
    │   ├── cmdlets
    │   │   └── rbkcli-cmdlets.json
    │   ├── rbkcli.conf
    │   └── target_resolution.json
    ├── logs
    │   └── rbkcli.log
    ├── scripts
    │   └── default
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └──
    └── targets
        └── a8cd537d-e274-46d8-871e-f80ac47c264c
            └── me.json
    7 directories, 10 files
The folders structure will vary according to the, cmdlets profile you have or custom scripts that have already been added, but the default structure should be very similar to this one.


  1. conf/ The conf folder contains 1 directory and 2 files.

    • The cmdlets folder, contains the cmdlets profiles created by the users. Each profile corresponds to a json file.

      • When installed rbkcli comes with rbkcli-cmdlets.json profile.

    • The rbkcli.conf file is the configuration file where users can change settings and API profiles.

    • The target_resolution.json file, is rbkcli's map to optimize caching for each target. Once rbkcli is used against a target, one of the files created/updated is target_resolution.json file.

      • rbkcli uses this file to decide whether or not if there is already a copy of the API documentation cached in the local system.

      • For tweaking options please visit: Use rbkcli with a proxy/VPN

  2. logs/ The logs folder contains auto-generated log files, this folder can have 1 current log plus 5 rolled logs, the maximum size of the each file is 2Mb.

    • For more information on logs available, visit logs documentation at: Logs

  3. scripts/ The scripts folder contains 1 directory, but can me modified at will by any user.

    • The default folder contains the scripts release with rbkcli public version, the rbkcli library that differentiates from simple API calls.

  4. targets/ The targets folder will contain a directory per unique cluster which rbkcli has connected to. This is the folder that holds the cached data of each target.

    • The folder contains 1 file called me.json, which is essentially the cached information of the whole API documentation.

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