


  • Description: 'Gets a list of all cmdlet's profiles in rbkcli.'.

  • Parameters: No parameters are accepted.

  • Response: Following is the json response structure, under properties are the fields which are returned:

    1. OpenAPI description:

       'responses': {
           '200': {
               'description': str('Returns a list of avail'
                                  'able cmdlets profiles'),
               'schema': {
                   'items': {
                       'CmdletsProfileInfo': {
                           'properties': {
                               'name': {
                                   'description': 'Name of the existing profile.',
                                   'type': 'string'
                               'path': {
                                   'description': 'Path to the existing profile.',
                                   'type': 'string'
    2. Response Example:

           "name": "<value>",
           "path": "<value>"
  • Usage: It is used to see all existing cmdlet's profiles seen by rbkcli.

    1. Example 1: Get a raw list of all cmdlet's profiles.

       $ rbkcli cmdlet profile
           "name": "cmdlets",
           "path": "/home/bmanesco/rbkcli/conf/cmdlets/cmdlets.json"


  • Description: Create a new cmdlet profile to rbkcli.

  • Parameters: As a parameter you have to pass a single string, being either formatted as natural key assignment or as json string. Following is the description of the parameters:

          'parameters': [
              'name': 'name',
              'description': 'Name of the cmdlet profile to be created, the profile name will reflect in a file called <name>-cmdlets.json.',
              'in': 'body',
              'required': True,
              'type': 'string'
  • Response: Following is the json response structure, under properties are the fields which are returned:

    1. OpenAPI description:

       'responses': {
           '200': {
               'description': str('Returns status of the add task.'),
               'schema': {
                   'CmdletProfileCreationInfo': {
                       'properties': {
                           'result': {
                               'description': 'The result of the requested operation.',
                               'enum': [
                               'type': 'string'
                           'message': {
                               'description': 'Message(s) explaining how was the execution of the requested operation.',
                               'type': 'array'
                           'data': {
                               'description': 'If operation succeeds, returns the created object.',
                               'type': 'json'
    2. Response Example:

         "result": "<value>",
         "message": [
         "data": {
           "name": "<value>",
           "path": "<value>"
  • Usage: It is used to create cmdlets profiles, which are portable to another rbkcli installation and holds the cmdlets records.

    1. Example 1: You can provide the required parameters for cmdlets creation as natural key assignment format once the only required parameter is name.

       $ rbkcli cmdlet profile -m post -p name=bmanesco
         "result": "Succeeded",
         "message": [
           "Created profile successfully."
         "data": {
           "name": "bmanesco",
           "path": "/home/bmanesco/rbkcli/conf/cmdlets/bmanesco-cmdlets.json"

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