


  • Description: 'Gets a list of all cmdlets in rbkcli.'.

  • Parameters: No parameters are accepted.

  • Response: Following is the json response structure, under properties are the fields which are returned: 1. OpenAPI description:

          'responses': {
              '200': {
                  'description': str('Returns a list of avail'
                                     'able cmdlets'),
                  'schema': {
                      'items': {
                          'CmdletsInfo': {
                              'properties': {
                                  'cmdlet_description': {
                                      'description': 'Description of the cmdlet being added',
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'cmdlet_summary': {
                                      'description': 'Short description of cmdlet being added',
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'command': {
                                      'description': 'List of rbkcli existing commands which the cmdlet will trigger, each command can have a "<parameter>" entry which will be replaced by the parameter provided',
                                      'type': 'array'
                                  'id': {
                                      'description': 'Auto generated UUID version 4 stored with the cmdlet',
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'multiple_output': {
                                      'description': 'Format of the json output of multiple commands triggered, segmented per command triggered or combined in one json.',
                                      'enum': [
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'name': {
                                      'description': 'The display name of the cmdlet, which will be used to call it.',
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'param': {
                                      'description': 'Parameter to replace in the commands, provided in a comma separated list.',
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'profile': {
                                      'description': 'Name of the file where the cmdlets are saved, default is cmdlets.json',
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'response_description': {
                                      'description': 'Description of the json response returned by the cmdlet.',
                                      'type': 'string'
                                  'status': {
                                      'description': 'Result of a verification of all cmdlets names, if is duplicated the cmdlet wont\'t be usable and will be flagged as duplicated.',
                                      'enum': [
                                      'type': 'string'
                  'table_order': ['profile','status','cmdlet','cmdlet_summary','multiple_output']
    1. Response Example:

           "cmdlet_description": "<value>",
           "cmdlet_summary": "<value>",
           "command": [
           "id": "<value>",
           "multiple_output": "<value>",
           "name": "<value>",
           "param": "<value>,<value>",
           "profile": "<value>.json",
           "response_description": "<value>",
           "status": "<value>"
  • Usage: It is used to see all existing cmdlets in all cmdlets profile, even if not imported as a command. 1. Example 1: Get a raw list of all cmdlets.

          $ rbkcli cmdlet
              "cmdlet_description": "",
              "cmdlet_summary": "Retrieves a list of VMs in Silver SLA",
              "command": [
                "vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Silver --loop id \"vmware vm {id}\" -c snapshots"
              "id": "e6d131a8-7d3b-42d2-a34a-8be19e0897d3",
              "multiple_output": "segmented",
              "name": "DemoCmdlet silver_vms",
              "param": "",
              "profile": "cmdlets.json",
              "response_description": "",
              "status": "usable"
              "cmdlet_description": "",
              "cmdlet_summary": "Retrieves a list of VMs in Bronze SLA",
              "command": [
                "vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Bronze --loop id \"vmware vm {id}\" -c snapshots"
              "id": "199d77c5-5de5-46b9-8004-69bc8732abee",
              "multiple_output": "segmented",
              "name": "DemoCmdlet bronze_vms",
              "param": "",
              "profile": "cmdlets.json",
              "response_description": "",
              "status": "usable"
    1. Example 2: Select the relevant fields and create a table.

       $ rbkcli cmdlet -s name,profile,status,cmdlet_summary,command -T
        name                  | profile      | status | cmdlet_summary                        | command
        DemoCmdlet silver_vms | cmdlets.json | usable | Retrieves a list of VMs in Silver SLA | ['vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Silver --loop id "vmware vm {id}" -c snapshots']
        DemoCmdlet bronze_vms | cmdlets.json | usable | Retrieves a list of VMs in Bronze SLA | ['vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Bronze --loop id "vmware vm {id}" -c snapshots']
       **Total amount of objects [2]


  • Description: Adds a new cmdlet to rbkcli and syncs the profiles.

  • Parameters: As a parameter you have to pass a single string, being either formatted as natural key assignment or as json string. If the key passed is "file", then instead of loading the string jsonfy will attempt to load the json file. Following is the description of the parameters:

      'parameters': [
          'name': 'cmdlet_description',
          'description': 'Description of the cmdlet being added.',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': False,
          'type': 'string'
          'name': 'cmdlet_summary',
          'description': 'Short description of cmdlet being added',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': False,
          'type': 'string'
          'name': 'command',
          'description': 'List of rbkcli existing commands which the cmdlet will trigger, each command can have a "<parameter>" entry which will be replaced by the parameter provided',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': True,
          'type': 'array/string'
          'name': 'multiple_output',
          'description': 'Format of the json output of multiple commands triggered, segmented per command triggered or combined in one json.',
          'enum': [
          'in': 'body',
          'required': False,
          'type': 'string'
          'name': 'name',
          'description': 'The display name of the cmdlet, which will be used to call it.',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': True,
          'type': 'string'
          'name': 'param',
          'description': 'Parameter to replace in the commands, provided in a comma separated list.',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': False,
          'type': 'string'
          'name': 'profile',
          'description': 'Name of the file where the cmdlets are saved, default is cmdlets.json.',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': True,
          'type': 'string'
          'name': 'response_description',
          'description': 'Description of the json response returned by the cmdlet.',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': False,
          'type': 'string'
  • Response: Following is the json response structure, under properties are the fields which are returned:

    1. OpenAPI description:

       'responses': {
           '200': {
               'description': str('Returns status of the add task.'),
               'schema': {
                   'CmdletCreationInfo': {
                       'properties': {
                           'result': {
                               'description': 'The result of the requested operation.',
                               'enum': [
                               'type': 'string'
                           'message': {
                               'description': 'Message(s) explaining how was the execution of the requested operation.',
                               'type': 'array'
                           'data': {
                               'description': 'If operation succeeds, returns the created object.',
                               'type': 'json'
    2. Response Example:

         "result": "<value>",
         "message": [
         "cmdlet_to_add": {
           "id": "<value>",
           "profile": "<value>",
           "name": "<value>",
           "cmdlet_summary": "<value>",
           "cmdlet_description": "<value>",
           "command": [
           "multiple_output": "<value>",
           "param": "<value>",
           "response_description": "<value>"
  • Usage: It is used to create documented cmdlets, which are pointers to one or more existing rbkcli commands. By doing so, the user ends up customizing the commands available in rbkcli.

    1. Example 1: You can provide the required parameters for cmdlets creation as natural key assignment format when destination command is simple.

       $ rbkcli cmdlet -m post -p 'name=bronze_vms,profile=cmdlets.json,command=vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Bronze'
         "result": "Succeeded",
         "message": [],
         "cmdlet_to_add": {
           "id": "e12a0731-a29b-4c9a-90c6-e32752fe017f",
           "profile": "cmdlets.json",
           "name": "bronze_vms",
           "cmdlet_summary": "",
           "cmdlet_description": "",
           "command": [
             "vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Bronze"
           "multiple_output": "segmented",
           "param": "",
           "response_description": ""
    2. Example 2: You can provide the required parameters for cmdlets creation as json string format, when the destination command is complex and have several arguments or you have multiple commands as destination.

       $ rbkcli cmdlet -m post -p '{"name": "vm snaps","profile": "cmdlets.json", "command": ["vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Bronze --loop id \"vmware vm {id}\" -c snapshots"]}'
         "result": "Succeeded",
         "message": [],
         "cmdlet_to_add": {
           "id": "de0a07bb-5c12-427b-9bdc-3660865ce102",
           "profile": "cmdlets.json",
           "name": "vm snaps",
           "cmdlet_summary": "",
           "cmdlet_description": "",
           "command": [
             "vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Bronze --loop id \"vmware vm {id}\" -c snapshots"
           "multiple_output": "segmented",
           "param": "",
           "response_description": ""


  • Description: Removes cmdlet from rbkcli permanently.

  • Parameters: As a parameter you have to pass a single string, being either formatted as natural key assignment or as json string.

     'parameters': [
          'name': 'id',
          'description': 'Id(s) of the cmdlet that will be deleted.',
          'in': 'body',
          'required': True,
          'type': 'string/array'
  • Response: Following is the json response structure, under properties are the fields which are returned:

    1. OpenAPI description:

       'responses': {
           '200': {
               'description': str('Returns status of the add task.'),
               'schema': {
                   'CmdletCreationInfo': {
                       'properties': {
                           'result': {
                               'description': 'The result of the requested operation.',
                               'enum': [
                               'type': 'string'
                           'message': {
                               'description': 'Message(s) explaining how was the execution of the requested operation.',
                               'type': 'array'
                           'data': {
                               'description': 'If operation succeeds, returns the deleted object.',
                               'type': 'json'
    2. Response Example:

         "result": "<value>",
         "message": [
         "data": {
           "id": "<value>",
           "profile": "<value>",
           "name": "<value>",
           "cmdlet_summary": "<value>",
           "cmdlet_description": "<value>",
           "command": [
           "multiple_output": "<value>",
           "param": "<value>",
           "response_description": "<value>"
  • Usage: It is used to delete documented cmdlets.

    1. Example 1: You can provide the required parameters for cmdlets deletion as natural key assignment format once only one parameter is required.

       $ rbkcli cmdlet -m delete -p id=4f6af2d2-28ba-4635-81c3-f6b22f61f2e0
           "result": "Succeeded.",
           "message": "Found the following cmdlets with the provided ID(s).",
           "data": {
             "cmdlet_description": "",
             "cmdlet_summary": "",
             "command": [
               "vmware vm -f effectiveSlaDomainName~Bronze --loop id \"vmware vm {id}\" -c snapshots"
             "id": "4f6af2d2-28ba-4635-81c3-f6b22f61f2e0",
             "multiple_output": "segmented",
             "name": "vm snaps",
             "param": "",
             "profile": "cmdlets.json",
             "response_description": ""

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