


  • Description: Gets a list of all valid scripts in rbkcli/scripts folder.

  • Parameters: No parameters are accepted.

  • Response: Following is the json response structure, under properties are the fields which are returned:

    1. OpenAPI description:

       'responses': {
           '200': {
               'description': str('Returns a list of avail'
                                  'able cmdlets profiles'),
               'schema': {
                   'items': {
                       'ScriptsInfo': {
                           'properties': {
                               'module': {
                                   'description': 'Name of the script, also referred to as Python importable module.',
                                   'type': 'string'
                               'file': {
                                   'description': 'Path to the existing script file.',
                                   'type': 'string'
                               'class_name': {
                                   'description': 'Name of the existing child class of RbkcliBlackOps, which will become a command.',
                                   'type': 'string'
                               'endpoint': {
                                   'description': 'The callable command referring to the class_name.',
                                   'type': 'string'
                               'method': {
                                   'description': 'Method to call the script.',
                                   'type': 'string'
    2. Response Example:

           "module": "<value>",
           "file": "<value>",
           "class_name": "<value>",
           "endpoint": "<value>",
           "method": "<value>"
  • Usage: It is used to see all existing classes inside scripts under folder ~/rbkcli/scripts/ and its sub-folders, classes importable by rbkcli.

    1. Example 1: Get a raw list of all RbkcliBlackOps child classes.

       $ rbkcli script
           "module": "my_script",
           "file": "/home/bmanesco/rbkcli/scripts/my_script.py",
           "class_name": "MyOperation",
           "endpoint": "/mssql/snap/stats",
           "method": "get"

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