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Moves the VMDKs from a Live Mount to another VM
The Move-RubrikMountVMDK cmdlet is used to attach VMDKs from a Live Mount to another VM, typically for restore or testing purposes.
This will create a Live Mount using the latest snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM", using the VM's Rubrik ID. The Live Mount's VMDKs would then be presented to the VM named "TargetVM"
This will create a Live Mount using the latest snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM" The Live Mount's VMDKs would then be presented to the VM named "TargetVM"
This will create a Live Mount using the January 30th 08:00AM snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM" The Live Mount's VMDKs would then be presented to the VM named "TargetVM" Note: The Date parameter will start at the time specified (in this case, 08:00am) and work backwards in time until it finds a snapshot. Precise timing is not required.
This will create a Live Mount using the latest snapshot of the VM named "SourceVM" Disk 0 and 1 (the first and second disks) would be excluded from presentation to the VM named "TargetVM" Note: that for the "ExcludeDisk" array, the format is @(#,#,#,...) where each # represents a disk starting with 0. Example: To exclude the first and third disks, the value would be @(0,2). Example: To exclude just the first disk, use @(0).
This will remove the disk(s) and live mount, effectively reversing the initial request This file is created each time the command is run and stored in the $HOME path as a text file The file contains the TargetVM name, MountID value, and a list of all presented disks
Source virtual machine Rubrik ID to use as a live mount
Source virtual machine to use as a Live Mount based on a previous backup
Target virtual machine to attach the Live Mount disk(s)
Backup date to use for the Live Mount Will use the current date and time if no value is specified
An array of disks to exclude from presenting to the target virtual machine By default, all disks will be presented
The path to a cleanup file to remove the live mount and presented disks The cleanup file is created each time the command is run and stored in the $HOME path as a text file with a random number value The file contains the TargetVM name, MountID value, and a list of all presented disks
Rubrik server IP or FQDN
API version
Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.
Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
Written by Chris Wahl for community usage Twitter: @ChrisWahl GitHub: chriswahl
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see .