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Retrieves backup format report on one or more volume groups known to a Rubrik cluster
The Get-RubrikVgfReport cmdlet is used to pull the backup format report from a Rubrik cluster on any number of volume groups.
This will return backup format report on all volume groups from host "Server1".
This will return backup format report on all volume groups of "Server1" that are protected by the Gold SLA Domain.
This will return backup format report on all removed volume groups that were formerly protected by Rubrik.
This will return backup format report on all volume groups that needs to be migrated to use fast VHDX format since they have failed the latest snapshot using the legacy backup format.
This will return backup format report on volume groups that did not use fast VHDX format in the latest snapshot.
This will return backup format report for the specified VolumeGroup ID
Name of the volume group
Prefix of Volume Group names
Filter results by hostname
Prefix of host names
Filter results to include only relic (removed) volume groups
SLA Domain policy assigned to the volume group
Filter the report information based on the primarycluster_id of the primary Rubrik cluster. Use local as the primary_cluster_id of the Rubrik cluster that is hosting the current REST API session.
Volume group id
SLA id value
Filter the report based on whether the Volume Group used fast VHDX format for its latest snapshot.
Filter the report based on whether a Volume Group needs to be migrated to use fast VHDX format since they have failed the latest snapshot using the legacy backup format.
Filter the report based on whether a Volume Group is set to take a full snapshot on the next backup.
Rubrik server IP or FQDN
API version
Written by Feng Lu for community usage github: fenglu42
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see .