vApp Virtual Machine File Recovery

File Recovery on a Virtual Machine

Within the Plugin, File Restores are now possible on a Per VM basis. We can choose the vApp pertaining the Virtual Machine and select Recover Files - This will take us into the File Recovery wizard.

First, we must select the VM that had the file we are trying to restore:

Select Next will take us into the view to search for files, Enter a filename in the field that states Enter Filename to search for: and press Search. This will go find all files that contain this text and return a list which you can use the dropdown to choose:

After selecting the file, we need to specify the version (this will only show the unique files i.e. ones that have changed from snapshot to snapshot):

After selecting Next, we are presented with the restore options, these are as follows:

  • Overwrite Original

  • Restore to Separate Folder

Regardless of which option selected, we will then be asked to the provide the following restore method:

  • RBS Backup Service - Rubrik Backup Service is a connector running on the VM that allows Rubrik to interact at a service level, if selected, the file recovery is only possible the Service is running

  • Use VM Guest Credentials - Using VM Guest Credentials will use the VM login details via VMware Tools to restore the file

Finally, if we restore to a separate folder, we will also need to provide the path for a successful restore:

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