vApp Exports

Exporting some or all VMs from one vApp to another vApp or VDC

Exporting the VMs

Within Export, the functionality exists to perform the following actions:

  • Export all VMs from one vApp to a new vApp

  • Export some VMs from one vApp to a new vApp

  • Export some VMs from one vApp to an existing vApp

We can use this to migrate VMs between vApps or VDCs; select the vApp we want to start the export for, and select Export vApp - this will open a wizard which will ask to confirm either a Full vApp export or a Partial vApp export.

Full vApp Exports, must always go to a new vApp, but we can still export all VMs in partial an existing vApp, therefore when choosing Partial vApp we will present the option to choose either New or Existing:

Select either New vApp or Existing vApp and select the VMs to export:

Full and New vApp Export

Selecting Next will ask us to choose a snapshot to restore from, select a snapshot with the relevant date or protection point:

Select Next and we will be presented with a list of VDCs available for export:

Finally, we will be asked to configure Network Settings, Name the new vApp and also suffix the VMs (Blank will not suffix anything other than an generated 4 letter string):

Partial and Existing vApp Export

Selecting Next will ask us to choose a snapshot to restore from, select a snapshot with the relevant date or protection point:

Since we choose Existing vApp we will now list the vApps that we have permissions to restore to, choose the relevant vApp:

Finally, we get the same options to configure the network as we do during Instant Recovery however, we can also specify a suffix to identify the VMs with, select the relevant network settings and Done to complete the export:

We can use the Events Button to track the progress of this export.

Last updated