Manually Uploading the Rubrik Plugin

This is an optional step if you are unable to use VMware Lifecycle Management Plugin

Manually Installing the Rubrik Plugin with Python

The Rubrik Plugin can be uploaded directly the the vCloud Director API using a Python script provided by VMware.

Download the latest version of the Rubrik plugin, this will be named and be found in the release pages:

Extract the zip and edit the file ui_ext_api.ini and populate with the vCD connecting details:


Save the file.

Now we can use the python script to upload the plugin:

> python deploy

This should upload the plugin to the vCD cell configured in the ini file we previously set.

Manually Installing the Rubrik Plugin with Bash

The Rubrik Plugin can be uploaded directly the the vCloud Director API, below is a script to perform these steps:

You will need to replace the following values:

  • VCDHOST - this needs to be in the format VCDHOST="VCD-DNS-ADDRESS"

  • AUTH - this needs to be in the format AUTH="MyProviderUsername@System:MyPass"

This script is designed to check for previous versions of the Rubrik Plugin, remove it if it exists and then upload the new script which is contained in This will still require you to share the plugin to tenants however as this will only be available to the Provider after upload.

RHEL/CentOS Script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -v -k -X POST -H 'Accept: application/*+xml;version=29.0;multisite=global' --basic -u $AUTH https://$VCDHOST/api/sessions > stdout_session.txt 2>&1
VCDSESSION=$(cat stdout_session.txt | grep -Fi 'x-vcloud-authorization' | cut -d ":" -f 2 | sed 's/[[:space:]]//g')
PLUGINID=$(curl -v -k -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "x-vcloud-authorization: $VCDSESSION" https://$VCDHOST/cloudapi/extensions/ui/ | jq -r '.[] | select(.pluginName=="Rubrik") | .id' )
if [ $PLUGINID == 'null' ]; then
  println "No Rubrik Plugins Found"
  PLUGIN=$(curl -v -k -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "x-vcloud-authorization: $VCDSESSION" --data '{"pluginName":"Rubrik","vendor":"Rubrik", "description":"Rubrik vCD Extensibility Plugin", "version":"1.1.0","license":"MIT", "link":"", "tenant_scoped":true,"provider_scoped":true, "enabled":true}' https://$VCDHOST/cloudapi/extensions/ui | jq -r '.id')  
  curl -v -k -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "x-vcloud-authorization: $VCDSESSION" https://$VCDHOST/cloudapi/extensions/ui/$PLUGINID/plugin
  curl -v -k -X DELETE -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "x-vcloud-authorization: $VCDSESSION" https://$VCDHOST/cloudapi/extensions/ui/$PLUGINID
  PLUGIN=$(curl -v -k -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "x-vcloud-authorization: $VCDSESSION" --data '{"pluginName":"Rubrik","vendor":"Rubrik", "description":"Rubrik vCD Extensibility Plugin", "version":"1.1.0","license":"MIT", "link":"", "tenant_scoped":true,"provider_scoped":true, "enabled":true}' https://$VCDHOST/cloudapi/extensions/ui | jq -r '.id')  
PLUGINSIZE=$(stat --printf="%s"
curl -v -k -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "x-vcloud-authorization: $VCDSESSION" --data '{"fileName":"", "size":'$PLUGINSIZE'}' https://$VCDHOST/cloudapi/extensions/ui/$PLUGIN/plugin > stdout_link.txt 2>&1  
TRANSFER=$(cat stdout_link.txt | grep -Fi 'link' | awk -F"<|>" '{print $3}')
curl -v -k -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/zip' -H "x-vcloud-authorization:$VCDSESSION" --data-binary $TRANSFER

Downloading this package will contain the following files:

  • bundle.js

  • i18n.json

  • src/public/manifest.json

  • assets


Uploading the plugin

Extract the package of the package downloaded in the previous step, and edit the file so we can add the VCDHOST and AUTH value as mentioned earlier; this can be done by the following commands:


You will now be in the vi console, press i to enter --INSERT-- mode; Copy and Paste the above script and then navigate to the lines for VCDHOST and AUTH and update the values to be for your vCloud Director Cell.

Once updated, press esc to leave --INSERT-- mode and the press : followed by wq! and press return.

You should now have a saved copy of the script in the directory you are working in. We must then make this executable, do this by using the command below:

chmod u+x ./

Finally, we run the script with ./

Last updated