

The rubrik_bootstrap resource will complete the bootstrap process for a Rubrik cluster and requires a single node to have it's management interface configured. You will also need to configure the Rubrik provider with the "username" and "password" set to blank strings.

Example Usage

resource "rubrik_bootstrap" "example" {
  cluster_name           = "tf-demo"
  admin_email            = ""
  admin_password         = "RubrikTFDemo2019"
  management_gateway     = ""
  management_subnet_mask = ""
  dns_search_domain      = ""
  dns_name_servers       = ["". ""]            
  ntp_server1_name            = ""
  ntp_server2_name            = ""
  node_config = {
    tf-node01 = ""

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • cluster_name - (Required) Unique name to assign to the Rubrik cluster.

  • admin_email - (Required) The Rubrik cluster sends messages for the admin account to this email address.

  • admin_password - (Required) Password for the admin account

  • management_gateway - (Required) IP address assigned to the management network gateway.

  • management_subnet_mask - (Required) Subnet mask assigned to the management network.

  • dns_search_domain - (Required) List of search domains that the DNS Service will use to resolve hostnames that are not fully qualified.

  • dns_name_servers - (Required) List of the IPv4 addresses of the DNS servers.

  • ntp_server1_name - (Required) The FQDN or IPv4 addresses of network time protocol (NTP) server #1.

  • ntp_server1_key_id - (Optional) The ID number of the symmetric key used with NTP server #1. (Typically this is 0) (Required if ntp_server1_key and ntp_server1_key_type are also defined.)

  • ntp_server1_key - (Optional) Symmetric key material for NTP server #1. (Required if ntp_server1_key_id and ntp_server1_key_type are also defined.)

  • ntp_server1_key_type (Optional) Symmetric key type for NTP server #1. (Required if ntp_server1_key and ntp_server1_key_id are also defined.)

  • ntp_server2_name - (Required) The FQDN or IPv4 addresses of network time protocol (NTP) server #2.

  • ntp_server2_key_id - (Optional) The ID number of the symmetric key used with NTP server #2. (Typically this is 0) (Required if ntp_server2_key and ntp_server2_key_type are also defined.)

  • ntp_server2_key - (Optional) Symmetric key material for NTP server #2. (Required if ntp_server2_key_id and ntp_server2_key_type are also defined.)

  • ntp_server2_key_type (Optional) Symmetric key type for NTP server #2. (Required if ntp_server2_key and ntp_server2_key_id are also defined.)

  • node_config - (Required) The Node Name and IP formatted as a map.

  • enable_encryption - (Optional) Enable software data encryption at rest. When bootstrapping a Cloud Cluster this value needs to be False. Default value is true.

  • wait_for_completion - (Optional) Flag to determine if the function should wait for the bootstrap process to complete. Default value is true.

  • timeout - (Optional) The number of seconds to wait to establish a connection the Rubrik cluster before returning a timeout error. Default is 15.

Last updated