

Assign a Rubrik object to a specified SLA Domain

Example Usage

resource "rubrik_assign_sla" "assign-sla" {
  object_name = "tf-example-vm"
  object_type = "vmware"
  sla_name    = "Gold"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • object_name - (Required) The name of the Rubrik object you wish to assign to an SLA Domain.

  • object_type - (Required) The Rubrik object type you want to assign to the SLA Domain. Currently, vmware and ahv are the only supported values.

  • sla_name - (Required) The name of the SLA Domain you wish to assign an object to. To exclude the object from all SLA assignments use do not protect as the sla_name. To assign the selected object to the SLA of the next higher level object use clear as the sla_name.

  • timeout - (Optional) The number of seconds to wait to establish a connection the Rubrik cluster before returning a timeout error. Default is 15.

Valid object_type choices:

  • vmware

  • ahv

Attribute Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - An ID unique to Terraform for this port group. The convention is a prefix, the host system ID, and the port group name. An example would be vmware-exampleVMName-assigned-sla-Gold.

  • sla_domain - The name of the SLA Domain assigned to the object_name.

  • object_type - The type of the Rubrik object you assigned an SLA Domain to.

  • object_name - The name of the Rubrik object you assigned an SLA Domain to.

Destroy Behavior

On terraform destroy, this resource will set the sla_domain to clear which will assign the select object_name to the SLA of the next higher level object.

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