Getting Started

Authentication Mechanisms

The Rubrik SDK for Python provides two mechanisms for supplying credentials to the rubrik_cdm.Connect() function. Credentials may be accessed through the use of environment variables or manually passed into the function as parameters.

Authenticating with Environment Variables

Storing credentials in environment variables is a more secure process than directly hard coding them into scripts and ensures that your credentials are not accidentally shared if your code is uploaded to an internal or public version control system such as GitHub. If no arguments are passed to the rubrik_cdm.Connect() function, it will attempt to read the Rubrik Cluster credentials from the following environment variables:

  • rubrik_cdm_node_ip (Contains the IP/FQDN of a Rubrik node)

  • rubrik_cdm_username (Contains a username with configured access to the Rubrik cluster)

  • rubrik_cdm_password (Contains the password for the above user)

  • rubrik_cdm_token (Contains the the API token used for authentication)

Note: The rubrik_cdm_username and rubrik_cdm_password must be supplied together and may not be provided if the rubrik_cdm_token variable is present

The way in which to populate these environment variables differs depending on the operating system running Python. Below are examples for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

Setting Environment Variables in Microsoft Windows

For Microsoft Windows-based operating systems the environment variables can be set utilizing the setx command as follows:

setx rubrik_cdm_node_ip ""
setx rubrik_cdm_username ""
setx rubrik_cdm_password "SecretPassword"
setx rubrik_cdm_token "CDMToken"

Setting Environment Variables in macOS and *nix

For macOS and *nix based operating systems the environment variables can be set utilizing the export command as follows:

export rubrik_cdm_node_ip=
export rubrik_cdm_password=SecretPassword
export rubrik_cdm_token=CDMToken

In order for the environment variables to persist across terminal sessions, add the above three export commands to the ~\.bash_profile or ~.profile file and then run source ~\.bash_profile or source ~\.profile to ensure the environment variables are present in your current terminal session.

Once set, the rubrik_cdm.Connect() function will automatically utilize the data within the environment variables to perform its connection unless credentials are specifically passed in the arguments of the function.

Authenticate by Providing Username and Password or API Token

Although the use of environment variables are recommended, there may be scenarios where directly sending credentials to the rubrik_cdm.Connect() function as parameters makes sense. When arguments are provided, any environment variable information, populated or unpopulated, is ignored. To pass connection and credential information, simply call the rubrik_cdm.connect() function, passing the node IP, username, and password as follows:

node_ip = ""
username = ""
password = "SecretPassword"

rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect(node_ip, username, password)

Or by passing the node IP and API Token as follows:

node_ip = ""
api_token = "jf2jma02k3anms0"

rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect(node_ip, api_token)

Mixing the usage of both environment and hard coded variables is supported. The below example is run under the pretense that the rubrik_cdm_node_ip and rubrik_cdm_password environment variables have been set, providing only the password to the connect function.

rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect(password="SecretPassword")

Connecting to a Rubrik Cluster

The Rubrik SDK for Python utilizes the rubrik_cdm.Connect()function as a mechanism to provide credentials to Rubrik CDM. rubrik_cdm.Connect() only needs to be called once, assigning the response to a variable to be used for subsequent calls throughout the remainder of the Python session. To initiate the function, first import the rubrik_cdm package and assign the response of rubrik_cdm.Connect() to a variable as follows:

import rubrik_cdm
rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect()

Note: You may use any variable name to connect to the Rubrik cluster.

Any subsequent calls to methods or functions within the rubrik_cdm package are now executed through the context of the variable used to store the response from the Connect() method. For example, to retrieve the VMware VMs within the Gold SLA Domain the following code is used:

import rubrik_cdm
rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect()
print rubrik.get_sla_objects("Gold","VMware")

For a full list of functions, methods, and their associated arguments see the official Rubrik SDK for Python documentation.

Certificate Validation

When connecting to a Rubrik cluster without certificate validation enabled you will receive the following warning message:

Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised.

This warning may be suppressed utilizing the urllib3 library and inserting the following code within your script:

import rubrik_cdm
import urllib3


rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect()

Note: It is strongly advised that valid certificates are installed and utilized on the Rubrik cluster. For more information see the Rubrik CDM Security Guide.

Rubrik SDK for Python Quick Start

The following section outlines how to get started using the Rubrik SDK for Python, including installation, configuration, as well as sample code.


The following are the prerequisites in order to successfully install and run the sample code included in this quickstart guide:


The Rubrik SDK for Python can be installed into a Python environment either by utilizing the pip package manager or installing from source.

Note: Installing from source should only be used when performing development work on the Rubrik SDK for Python or if the environment does not allow for pip installations. The easiest and most common way to install the Rubrik SDK for Python is through the pip package manager.

Install using the pip package manager

Due to the popular uptake of the pip package manager Rubrik also maintains a copy of the Rubrik SDK for Python hosted within the Python Package Index. This allows for developers and operations to install the Rubrik SDK for Python using pip as follows.

pip install rubrik-cdm

The pip installation method will take care of downloading and installing all dependencies of the Rubrik SDK for Python.

Install from Source

As the Rubrik SDK for Python is hosted on GitHub, installing from source allows for the added benefit of being able to access newly created and “beta” type features as they are developed and pushed to the repository.

To install the Rubrik SDK for Python from source run the following commands.

git clone
cd rubrik-sdk-for-python
sudo python install

Note: After executing install, all dependencies will be automatically downloaded and installed.

Sample Syntax - VMware Virtual Machine Operations

The following code will walk through a number of real-world examples of protecting and restoring VMware Virtual Machines. For a complete listing of available functionality see the complete Rubrik SDK for Python documentation.

Setting up the Sample Workflow

Create a file named in your working directory and copy in the following code:

import rubrik_cdm
import urllib3

# Disable certificate warnings and connect to Rubrik Cluster

# Establish a connection to the Rubrik cluster

# Example of protecting a VMware Virtual Machine

# Set Object Variables
vm_name = "VM1"
sla_name = "Gold"
object_type = "VMware"

# Assign VM to SLA Domain
assign_sla = rubrik.assign_sla(vm_name, sla_name, object_type)

# Example of taking an On-Demand Snapshot of a VMware VM

# Set Object Variables
vm_name = "VM1"
sla_name = "Gold"
object_type = "VMware"

# Take On-Demand Snapshot of VM
snapshot = rubrik.on_demand_snapshot(vm_name, object_type, sla_name)

# Recovering VMware Virtual Machines

# Set Object Variables

vm_name = "VM1"
date = "10-21-2018"
time = "9:56 AM"

# Live Mount specific snapshot to the current host
live_mount = rubrik.vsphere_live_mount(vm_name, date, time)

# Live Mount latest snapshot to a specific host
live_mount = rubrik.vsphere_live_mount(vm_name, date='latest', time='latest', host='')

# Instant Recovery of the latest snapshot to the current host
instant_recovery = rubrik.vsphere_instant_recovery(vm_name, date='latest', time='latest')

Breaking Down the Sample Workflow

After importing the needed modules, disabling certificate warnings and connecting to the Rubrik cluster, the main examples start on Line 8.

Lines 8 through 18 show an example of associating an existing SLA Domain with a VMware VM. The assign_sla() function is utilized to accomplish this, taking in three arguments; the VM name, SLA Domain name, and Object Type (VMware).

Lines 20 through 30 illustrate performing an on-demand snapshot of a VMware VM. The on_demand_snapshot() function is utilized to accomplish this, taking in three arguments; the VM name, object type (VMware), and SLA Domain name to apply to the snapshot. The SLA Domain name is an optional requirement and if not specified the currently associated SLA Domain of the VM will be used.

Lines 32 through 49 illustrate a couple of different recovery options for VMware VMs. The first, on Line 42 is a Live Mount of a specific snapshot to the same host which is running the production VM. Line 46 shows a Live Mount of the same VM, only utilizing the most recent snapshot and specifying a host on which to mount the VM. Line 49 performs an Instant Recovery of the VM utilizing the most recent available snapshot.

Note: the vpshere_live_mount() and vsphere_instant_recovery()functions support many more arguments and options which are utilized in this sample. For the complete list of functionality available for managing VMware VMs see the Rubrik SDK for Python documentation.

Running the Sample Workflow

Once is saved within the working directory execute the code with the following statement:


Sample Syntax - Physical Host Operations

The following code will walk through a number of real-world examples of protecting physical Windows and Linux hosts. For a complete listing of available functionality see the complete Rubrik SDK for Python documentation. Setting up the Sample Workflow

Create a file named in your working directory and copy in the following code:

import rubrik_cdm
import urllib3

#Disable certificate warnings and connect to Rubrik Cluster

# Example of adding a physical windows/linux server

# Set Object Variables
server_name = "linux-1"

# Add server to Rubrik CDM
add_host = rubrik.add_physical_host(servername)

# Example of creating a physical file-set

# Set Object Variables
name = "Linux Home Directories"
operating_system = "Linux"
include = ['/home/','/root/']
exclude = ['*.mp3','*.mp4']
exclude_exception = ['/home/video/*.mp4']

# Create Fileset
fileset = rubrik.create_physical_fileset(name,operating_system, include, exclude, exclude_exception)

# Assigning fileset to Host

# Set Object Variables
server_name = "linux-1"
fileset_name = "Linux Home Directories"
operating_system = "Linux"
sla_name = "Gold"

# Assign fileset to host
assign_fileset = rubrik.assign_physical_host_fileset(server_name, fileset_name, operating_system, sla_name)

Breaking Down the Sample Workflow

After importing the needed modules, disabling certificate warnings and connecting to the Rubrik cluster, the main examples start on Line 8.

Lines 8 through 16 illustrate how to add a physical host to the Rubrik CDM utilizing the add_physical_host() function.

Lines 18 through 30 illustrate how to create a fileset within Rubrik CDM, containing all of the inclusion and exclusion rules. The fileset is created utilizing the create_physical_fileset() function.

Lines 32 through 43 complete the physical protection process by assigning both the fileset and an SLA Domain to the physical host. This is accomplished utilizing the assign_physical_host_fileset() function.

Note: Functions and methods here do not reflect all of the arguments and options available. For the complete list of functionality read the complete Rubrik SDK for Python documentation.

Running the Sample Workflow

Once is saved within the working directory execute the code with the following statement:


Accessing the Built-in Sample Code

To help accelerate development the Rubrik SDK for Python source contains many files containing common activities often performed against a Rubrik cluster. Sample files may be found on the Rubrik SDK for Python GitHub page.

Sample code may be executed using the following syntax:


Rubrik SDK for Python Documentation

This guide acts only as a quick start to get up and running with the Rubrik SDK for Python. For detailed information on all of the functions and features included see the complete Rubrik SDK for Python documentation.

API Documentation

The Rubrik SDK for Python supports the majority of the functionality available within the Rubrik CDM. That said, the release cycles between the SDK and Rubrik CDM are not simultaneous. This means there may be times when new features or enhancements are added to the product but methods and functions to utilize them may be missing from the SDK. In these situations Python may be used to make native calls to Rubrik’s RESTful API. The following syntax outlines a common piece of Rubrik functionality, assigning a VM to an SLA Domain, however, it does so by creating raw API requests to Rubrik CDM utilizing the Python requests library:

import requests
import json
import base64

auth_values = ("administrator","SuperSecret")

response = requests.get(""+vmname, auth=auth_values, verify=False)
vmid = response.json()['data'][0]['id']

response = requests.get(""+slaname, auth=auth_values, verify=False)
slaid = response.json()['data'][0]['id']

response = requests.patch(""+vmid, auth=auth_values, verify=False, json={"configuredSlaDomainId": slaid })

Rubrik prides itself upon its API-first architecture, ensuring everything available within the HTML5 interface, and more, is consumable via a RESTful API. For more information on Rubrik’s API architecture and complete API documentation, please see the official Rubrik API Documentation.


The Rubrik SDK for Python contains built-in functions and configurations to help assist with troubleshooting any errors that may arise.

Enabling Logging

The rubrik_cdm.Connect() function contains a built-in, verbose logging mechanism which is disabled by default. To enable the logging mechanism, set the enable_logging argument to true when connecting to the Rubrik cluster as follows:

rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect(enable_logging=True)

The logging_level argument can then be used to set the specific logging level you wish to use. The following levels are valid choices:

  • debug (default value)

  • critical

  • error

  • warning

  • info

rubrik = rubrik_cdm.Connect(enable_logging=True, logging_level="info")

When doing so, more verbose debug messages will be displayed on the console when executing various commands and functions within the Rubrik SDK for Python. For example, the Connect() function itself displays no information by default, however running the same function specifying enable_logging=True outputs the following:

[2018-08-08 09:18:59,687] [INFO] -- User Provided Node IP:
[2018-08-08 09:18:59,687] [INFO] -- Username: demo
[2018-08-08 09:18:59,687] [INFO] -- Password: *******

[2018-08-08 09:18:59,687] [INFO] -- cluster_node_ip: Generating a list of all Cluster Node IPs.
[2018-08-08 09:18:59,687] [INFO] -- GET
[2018-08-08 09:19:00,062] [INFO] -- <Response [200]>

Note: enable_logging only needs to be specified on the initial connection to Rubrik when running the Connect() function. All subsequent calls to functions and methods within the Rubrik SDK for Python will then display verbose logging to the console thereafter.

Contributing to the Rubrik SDK for Python

The Rubrik SDK for Python is hosted on a public repository on GitHub. If you would like to get involved and contribute to the SDK please follow the below guidelines.

Common Environment Setup

  1. Clone the Rubrik SDK for Python repository

git clone
  1. Change to the repository root directory

cd rubrik-sdk-for-python
  1. Switch to the devel branch

git checkout devel
  1. Create a virtual environment

For Python 3:

python3 -m venv venv

For Python 2:

virtualenv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment

. venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the SDK from Source

python install

New Function Development

The /rubrik-sdk-for-python/rubrik_cdm directory contains all functions for the SDK.

At a high level the directory contains the following:

  • - Base API Functions (get, post, etc.) that should only be touched for bug fixes.

  • - Cloud related functions

  • - Functions involving the configuration of the Rubrik cluster itself (think Day 0 configurations)

  • - Functions related to Data Protection tasks (ex. On-demand snapshots)

  • - Functions involving the management of physical servers

  • - Several internal functions as well as the Connect class which all other functions are accessed through. This should only be touched for bug fixes.

When adding a new function it ideally should be categorized to fit into one of the above files. Each function should meet the following requirements:

  • Each function must be idempotent. Before making any configuration changes (post, patch, delete) you should first check to see if that change is necessary. If it's not you must return a message formatted as No change required. {message}: For example, the assign_sla function first checks to see if the Rubrik object is already assigned to the provided SLA domain.

  • A doc string using the docBlockr format. Visual Studio Code users can take advantage of the autoDocstring extension to simplify this process.

  • Each API call made in the function should have a self.log() call made explaining what the API call is doing. The log message should be formatted as function_name: message.

  • A corresponding example in the /rubrik-sdk-for-python/sample directory named the same as the function_name.

    Each function also must have associated documentation which can be auto generated through cd docs && python

Once a new function has been added you will then submit a new Pull Request which will be reviewed before merging into the devel branch.

For more information around contributing to the Rubrik SDK for Python see the Rubrik SDK for Python Development Guide documentation on GitHub.

Further Reading

Last updated