Retrieve table data for a specific Envision report
Copy Get-RubrikReportData [-id] <String> [[-Name] <String>] [[-TaskType] <String>] [[-TaskStatus] <String>]
[[-ObjectType] <String>] [[-ComplianceStatus] <String>] [[-limit] <Int32>] [[-cursor] <String>]
[[-Server] <String>] [[-api] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
The Get-RubrikReportData cmdlet is used to pull table data from a specific Envision report
Copy Get-RubrikReport -Name 'SLA Compliance Summary' | Get-RubrikReportData
This will return table data from the "SLA Compliance Summary" report
Copy Get-RubrikReport -Name 'SLA Compliance Summary' | Get-RubrikReportData -ComplianceStatus 'NonCompliance'
This will return table data from the "SLA Compliance Summary" report when the compliance status is "NonCompliance"
Copy Get-RubrikReport -Name 'SLA Compliance Summary' | Get-RubrikReportData -ComplianceStatus 'NonCompliance' -Limit 10
This will return table data from the "SLA Compliance Summary" report when the compliance status is "NonCompliance", only returns the first 10 results.
Copy Get-RubrikReport -Name 'Object Protection Summary' | Get-RubrikReportData -Limit -1
This will return all of the table data from the "Object Protection Summary" report. Note: Using '-Limit -1' may affect performance for reports containing large amounts of data.
Copy (Get-RubrikReport -Name "System Capacity" | Get-RubrikReportData).DatagridObject | Format-Table
This will return a human readable table view of the items within the System Capacity report.
The ID of the report
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : True
Position : 1
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters : False
Search table data by object name
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases : search_value
Required : False
Position : 2
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Filter table data on task type
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases : task_type
Required : False
Position : 3
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Filter table data on task status
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases : task_status
Required : False
Position : 4
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Filter table data on object type
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases : object_type
Required : False
Position : 5
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Filter table data on compliance status
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases : compliance_status
Required : False
Position : 6
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
limit the number of rows returned, defaults to maximum pageSize of 9999. Use a value of '-1' to remove limit restrictions
Copy Type : Int32
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : 7
Default value : 0
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
cursor start (if necessary)
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : 8
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Rubrik server IP or FQDN
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : 9
Default value : $global:RubrikConnection.server
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
API version
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : 10
Default value : $global:RubrikConnection.api
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters .
Written by Chris Wahl for community usage Twitter: @ChrisWahl GitHub: chriswahl